Halohs Charitable Organizations Blog
The Brianna Cooper Heavenly Smiles Foundation

Dear Friends,
The Brianna Cooper Heavenly Smiles Foundation was startd after a tragic automobile accident took the life of our daughter, Brianna, in 2010. After the tremendous support of the Stuart and surrounding communities, we have channeled our grief into giving. Our main ficous is to come to the aid of local families that suffer such a tracgic loss. In 2014, our family was again tested when our youngest son, Brandon was diagnosed with childhood cancer. We are now expanding our efforts to include familes dealing with childhood cancers. We offer emotiional, spiritual, and/or financial aid to eligible families in Martin and surrounding counties. We also offer a scholarship to high school seniors who have tragically lost a loved one in their lifetime. In order to provide those services, we must riase funds in many differtn ways including events at local places of business, selling of branded goods and sporting events to name a few.
It’s that time of the year again and we are asking for your supprot in our upcoming event on April 6, 2019. WE will host our 8th annual Brianna Cooper Heavenly Smiles Foundation 10K/5K Run and 2K family fun walk here in Martin County and want you to be a part of it! We are a 501.3c tax-exempt charity so should you decide to contribute, please keep this document for your tax records. We are accepting contributions of all sizes; however, there are four specific levels of sponsorship we would like for you to consider on the attached enclosure.
We appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and hope that you would be generous in your giving. Please contact us at info@bcoopersmiles.com should you have any questions. You may also visit www.bcoopersmiles.com to learn more about what we do and join our mailing list.
Sincerly yours,
The Brianna Cooper Heavenly Smiles Foundation, Inc.
Tax ID# 27-5401031